
Sell Them On Your Offer

The First step is to contact the owner or manager of the company you want to use for prospecting. You think of an item that they could give away to their customers to generate goodwill and you MBT Salama Sandals offer for these items.

We only have enough space to discuss residential sales in this article but the same principals apply to commercial and industrial sales which we will cover in other articles.

Here Are The Details

Let's assume you sell replacement windows to home owners. You contact a propane deliver company and offer to buy, and give away to their customers, free carbon monoxide alarms. Let's assume the propane company has Mbt Unono, 10 trucks that make 30 deliveries per day for a total of 300 deliveries per day per 9,000 per month. All you ask the drivers to do is to leave a card or brochure at each home offering them a free carbon monoxide alarm. All they have to do is call MBT Staka, you and you will make an appointment to drop it off and do an evaluation of the energy losses through their current windows.


