
not anytime soon

It’s mind boggling. No, it’s madness. In fact, just about everything about Charlie Sheen is maddening, even fun and cheap designer sunglasses , at the very least, surprising. Thus, imagine my surprise when I clicked on the @charliesheen button and found that we do in fact follow one person in common: @FloydMayweather. Problem is I don’t know who Floyd Mayweather is, and why I follow him. When did I do that, I wonder. Naturally Bvlgari Sunglasses, I immediately searched the web and found out that he is ranked as, #Duh, winning, the No. 1 welterweight boxer by many boxing publications. Yes, he is indeed considered the No. 1 pound-for pound best boxer in the world. And I don’t know him, but we both follow the #sheenious. It is fair for you to wonder, when will this madness end? I wonder that, too, but the answer is Police Sunglasses , not anytime soon.


