
Many people are turning away from traditional

??? ?????? Many people are turning away from traditional books and buying e-books and other electronic products in droves. Why? Because they are available immediately, they promise valuable information, and they are promoted effectively! Most electronic products like e-books, e-courses, and downloadable audios are promoted through long sales pages that point out the benefits of the product to the user. ??????????? I have found, though, that a lot of these sales pages as well as the e-books are not written as well as some astute readers would like. As a professional writer, they certainly don’t live up to my stringent standards. And although many online marketers tell me, it’s not how you say it but what you say, in other words, are you filling a need or solving a problem, I still think a well written e-book will help you build a more loyal audience who will want to continue to buy your next products from you Versace Sunglasses. ??????????? So if you’re like me, you may want to supercharge your writing to create e-books and other info-products that you are proud to put your name on. Here are some basic writing tips I’ve learned over the years that will set you apart from other would-be and wanna-be and pretend-to-be writers of e-books and info-products! ?1. Outline your ideas before you begin to write: turn your outline into your chapter headings for your e-book or other info-products. ? 2. Use powerful verbs: this creates vivid detail and eliminates the need for cumbersome adverbs (ex: instead of "for daily exercise walk quickly through your neighborhood" use "for daily exercise sprint through your neighborhood"). ? 3. Write actively rather than passively: (ex: “your body can be transformed by exercise” is passive, while “you can transform your body with exercise” is active) Bvlgari Sunglasses. 4. Be creative and original by avoiding clichés?and overused phrases (ex: instead of "you can be fit as a fiddle" use "you can exude radiant health"). 5. Find common terms rather than using jargon (unless you're writing for your trade): readers will think they have to belong to an elite organization to understand you (ex: instead of "align your chakras" use "breathe into these seven energy centers"). 6. Offer suggestions instead of preaching: people are more open when they're not feeling pushed (ex: instead of "do this if you want to…" use "you might consider…"). 7. Keep your writing concise and free of clutter and repetition: limit saying the same thing several ways (ex: instead of "after a good workout, you will feel renewed, pumped up, and raring to go" say "after exercising, you will feel be energized"). 8. Be clear and specific: say what you mean and supply details (ex: instead of "walk down the street and put all your energy into your exercise routine" say "step from the balls of your feet, swing your arms fully, and breather deeply”).9. Use anecdotes, stories, examples, metaphors, reader directives, and anything else to enliven the e-book's message and engage the reader Gucci Sunglasses. 10. Create a compelling beginning and satisfying ending: all writing should pull a reader in, keep them interested throughout, and come full circle by the end.Article Tags: (ex: Instead


