
Imagine your name on the front cover of your e-book or book

Imagine your name on the front cover of your e-book or book! Whether you are a personal coach, professional speaker, corporate executive, or skilled professional, writing an e-book or book can be an incredible marketing tool to expand your client base and increase your visibility—often by huge numbers. Your book will not only provide an additional source of income, but it allows you to reach more people than you ever could otherwise. With e-books today, you can literally reach a global market. Additionally a book will: ·??????? establish you as an expert ·??????? enhance your professional reputation ·??????? build a new client base for sales of future services and products So what I like to say is writing an e-book or book is that you will increase your CREDIBILITY, VISIBILITY & PROFITIBILITY Ray Ban Sunglasses! Here’s how it works. While marketing your business through normal channels, you can now add “author” to your list of credentials. For example, say you are a coach and you wrote an e-book or book called “Do It All, Without Doing Yourself In” about how to balance your personal and work life as an entrepreneur. You are at a networking meeting where there are two other coaches. You will stand out as the only author/coach. Immediately you are perceived at a different level and may attract additional business. At the same time, members of the group may decide to buy your book, and if you direct readers of the book to your website to sign up for your newsletter (this information should be in the back of your book), you will have captured their name for future contacts. ??????????? Or suppose you market your business as an accountant through your quarterly newsletter, either printed or electronic. You can now add an order form for your e-book, called “Balance Your Budget, Balance Your Business” and attract new tax clients when people respond to your newsletter offers or read your book and contact you Burberry Sunglasses. ??????????? Now, as an author, you will have a whole new strategy for marketing your business—by doing what authors do: book signings, talks, workshops, interviews, press releases, what many e-book authors are now doing, which is marketing exclusively online with teleclasses, articles, and blogs. So when you send out a press release about the your new book on self-care, “Relax Your Way to Health”, you mention your bodywork business and create additional visibility for your business as well as the book. In this case, being a business person in your field of expertise—healing—enhances your credibility as an author on your book’s subject. See how the two work together! But you say, “I can’t write an e-book or book! I’m not a writer. And besides, I don’t have the time or discipline Miu Miu Sunglasses.” Not to worry. Today, there are all sorts of professionals just waiting to hold your hand and guide you through the complete process from idea to finished product. Book coaches, editors, and ghostwriters as well as book marketing gurus can help you through every step in the process. And with recent technological advances in publishing, anyone can now write and publish an e-book or book easily and economically—and fairly quickly. Can you now envision your name on the cover of your book? Say, “YES!”


