
So What's in Store For Consumers?

So What's in Store For Consumers?

In sum, for the first time since June 2007 our surveys are picking up some signs of a bottom among consumers. Although spending remains weak, the 90-day outlook is better than it was in April. There is also  Nike Shox OZ,  a notable improvement in the overall consumer outlook on the economy.

Counterbalancing these positives is a continued deterioration in the economic health of lower-income consumers and a huge spike in inflation worries among virtually all consumers.

According to the government's latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures, inflation is tame, with a less-than-expected 0.2% rise in April. But there remains a huge disconnect, between the relatively benign Nike Shox Sale,CPI report and the virulent spike in inflation concerns among consumers.

Commentator Kevin Phillips recently derided the CPI, calling it the "great inflation hoax" and charging that the "misrepresentation of inflation, pursued statistically over the last 25 years, has been the main buttress of Washington's over-favorable and self-serving portraiture of the U.S. economy."

Putting aside major doubts over the CPI's accuracy, we'll continue to keep a close watch on the effects of inflation on consumer spending. The bottom line is inflation is radically altering spending behavior and Nike Shox O'Nine dampening hopes of a U.S. recovery for the 2nd half of the year - and beyond.


