
Marketing is all about creating and fostering relationships

Marketing is all about creating and fostering relationships with your prospects and your clients. A big part of achieving this is that people need to know, like and trust you before they'll engage in a relationship with you or do any business with you. Before a person will commit to making a purchase from you, they need to trust that your products and services will do what you say they are supposed to. Also, if you want to keep your profitable clients, they have to continue to trust that you'll deliver on your promises. Trust is the basis of any relationship, be it personal or strictly business. Take a look at the following ways that you can build trust and credibility into your small business marketing strategies:

1. Provide examples Give lots of case studies and examples that outline how you've helped clients and the difference it has made in their business and their life. Real examples are much more powerful and credible than simply making claims about your service or products.

2. Seek out referrals We all ask our friends and colleagues to recommend good places to eat or a reliable plumber, because we trust the opinions of people we know. It's the same for your business; actively seek out referrals from satisfied customers. Implementing a marketing system to generate referrals is one of the most overlooked marketing tactics for small businesses.

3. Get testimonials People always pay more attention to what others have to say about you than any claims you make about yourself and your business. Make it easy for your customers to provide testimonials. Create some marketing systems to facilitate this and then use the testimonials in all your marketing tactics: website, sales pages, direct mail, email communications, brochures and so on.

4. Offer guarantees None of us like "buyer's remorse" and providing a guarantee of service or results of your products and services will go a long way to help MBT Karani,alleviate any concerns people have in handing over money to you. Make sure you act promptly and with no hassles when you have to fulfill your guarantee. Keeping your word is a huge part of building trust with people.

5. Share your contact information Nothing raises a red flag more with me than when I cannot find a business's contact details - address, phone number, fax, email address, website, name of their assistant, customer service number, etc. By listing your contact   MBT Tembea Shoes  information on all your marketing materials, you go a long way in showing people you exist, you are a real legitimate business and you're available if they have any concerns or questions.

6. Write articles Write and submit articles to establish yourself as an expert and to help build a reputation that shows you know what you're talking about, you're willing to share your expertise, and you're "here to stay" - all components towards building trust.

7. Stay in touch Regular and consistent contact with people helps facilitate trust - they know you're around and interested. Contact your prospects and clients regularly (via email, phone call, card, etc.) to get feedback, follow up, and provide useful tips. 8. Be a resource Provide information that is timely and helpful to your prospects and clients. Post articles on your website, send them an applicable, MBT Shoes Cheap interesting report or magazine clipping, forward an email with details about a great teleseminar or workshop they might benefit from. 9. Let your personality come through People do business with people, not companies. Help prospects trust you by letting them get to know you. Share your personality and passion in your marketing strategies and communications - for instance, have a picture of yourself on your website, share some tidbits about your personal life (hobbies, likes & dislikes, pets) and don't be afraid to express opinions in your writing. Take a look at your day-to-day marketing tactic and determine if you are doing all you can to build trust with your prospective and current clients. If not, try incorporating a couple of the suggestions above and MBT Chapa Shoes, they're running smoothly and are part of your marketing system, then add a couple more. Keep doing this and you'll be rewarded with long lasting, rewarding and profitable relationships with many people.


