
But that's where your job becomes important

But that's where your job becomes important. Once you've closed the sale, it's time to Double Close. To secure the sale and Louis Vuitton Sunglasses,make sure the new client doesn't back out, I used to use a Double Close technique that I learned from my financial advisor years ago. It's called the "Here's what we talked about e-mail."

You basically recap everything you talked about on the "get-acquainted" call and put it all in an e-mail that you send right away. When someone receives this after signing up to work with you, they feel even more confident about their decision and rarely if ever back out of the agreement.

It's all about reassurance, a confirmation (even from you) that they made the right decision. But you can also use this for someone who, after the get-acquainted call, still hasn't signed up. Just seeing Replica Oakley Sunglasses,all the things they need to work on and the goals they need to achieve in black and white often motivates someone to take action, especially if you don't pressure them.

Your Assignment: 

As a Double Close method or with someone who's having a difficult time signing up, send an e-mail recapping everything you both talked about in your "get-acquainted" call. This creates fantastic results, even weeks down the road.

I've re-closed many a client this way and you too will be surprised by how well this works. Don't be surprised to hear from someone you thought wasn't ever going to sign up. With this Double Close or Recap method, Christian Dior Sunglasses,they'll most likely be back.


