
The fourth is passive-aggressive

The fourth is passive-aggressive, implying that the recipient does not want to be fair, or is not being fair, while the feedback provider is the MBT Panda only one being fair.

None of the statements includes, or even implies, an invitation to work together to define, explore, and resolve the issue.

If you are on the receiving end of competitive feedback, try this approach to shift the conversation into a collaborative and productive mode:

1. Take a deep breath. The oxygen will fortify you against the attack and help to keep you calm.

2. Without raising your voice, say the attacker's name. MBT Tariki, Repeat until he or she looks at you. Attackers often fire a volley and then hide behind a side conversation or laptop.

3. In the case of a passive-aggressive statement, paraphrase the statement more clearly, checking for understanding: "It sounds like you believe I have made commitments for you without checking, and that you are upset with me about this. Do I understand you correctly?" Continue asking for clarification until you understand the issue.

4. In the case of a character attack, keep your cool and remember that if you didn't have the upper hand (at least in the attacker's mind), he or she wouldn't be trying to bring you down.

- First, try paraphrasing and checking for understanding: "Wow. A dictatorship. That hurts. I don't want anyone on our team to feel that they are being forced to do the wrong thing. Is that what you mean by a MBT Kimondo GTX,dictatorship?" Listen to the response and ensure that you really understand the attacker. Remember that you have the upper hand, and you will keep it only by staying calm and avoiding a shooting match.


