
from the intermittent to the remittent form

are not unfrequently left behind, in greater or less degree. The patient, moreover, is apt to have a pale or somewhat sallow complexion, and a sickly look. These, or analogous symptoms, are most common Cheap Christian Louboutin after the early paroxysms. Sometimes Coach Outlet they are very slight, sometimes so considerable as, in connection with some heat of skin and frequency of pulse, to render the intermission imperfect. They generally diminish with the continuance of the disease; and at length the patient becomes apparently quite well in the intervals of his attacks ; having, not unfrequently, the appetite, the digestion, and the general vigour, though not perhaps fully the aspect of health. To the above rule, however, there are exceptions. Cases occur in which Anti Shoes the MBT On Sale patient, even at the commencement, is MBT Shoes as free from all signs of disease during the intermission, as in his most perfect health.Course,Termination,Etc.—It has been stated that, in the several types of intermittent fever, the paroxysms return at the same hour of the day. There is, however, often some variation in this respect. The commencement of a paroxysm, instead of being precisely at the same time of day as that of the preceding, may be Coach Factory an hour or two earlier, or an hour or two later; and it not unfrequently happens that, if a little before the time upon one day, it is a little after it on the next, so that the mean between the extremes of divergence is the regular hour. In some cases, instead of thus fluctuating backwards and forwards, each succeeding paroxysm occurs an hour or two earlier than its predecessor, so that the length of the intermission is regularly diminished. In other cases, it occurs an hoar or two later, so as regularly to lengthen the intermission. In the former the disease is said to be an anticipating,in the latter, a retarding intermittent.One type may, in this manner, be converted into another. Thus, an anticipating quartan may become a tertian, and an anticipating tertian a quotidian ; while a retarding quotidian is changed into a tertian, and a retarding tertian into a quartan. It is obvious that an anticipating quotidian may pass from the intermittent to the remittent form.


