
of earth-shaking changes have taken place

Of course, Kirin organizations based on the latest technology, Chinese companies by the waves and the Military Division, Department of Kunlun companies are joining a secret military research and development of China a long-range heavy bombers.
Expected to end in 2039 flight, the second half of 2041, the first six bombers will be formally delivered to the Chinese Air Force.
The combat radius to reach over three thousand kilometers of long-range heavy bombers, the Chinese aviation industry is the most important research results.
Later on the same continent to find Huai 8 Ⅱ fighters made the main technical parameters of secret development of the Chinese fighter II is expected to end in the 2040 test flight, the second half of 2043 is expected to be formally the troops, this fighter will also be China's aviation industry, the most important research results.
And the search for Huai Zhou Tao Island are well known to generations of military and civil aviation development in key industrial nodes, making this the world, China's aviation industry development, almost in the right direction, high-speed development.
Similarly, the Navy and other major military equipment and civilian industrial technology development, but also because they find Huai Zhou Tao Island and the arrival of earth-shaking changes have taken place.


