
by the oil spill have tainted its credit rating

Such a big bill, even at the lower end of the estimates, would drive many companies under. But analysts said BP probably won't cheap wow gold have to go to that extreme unless it wants to wall off liabilities from the rest of its operations to attract potential suitors.
Under Wednesday's deal with the Obama administration, aion kina BP will suspend its dividend for the rest of 2010, freeing up $8 billion. The company also plans to raise wow game time card wow time card $10 billion from selling some assets. Add cash lying around in bank accounts and in short-term investments and BP could raise $25 billion without breaking much of a sweat.
What's more, BP is sto gold expected to generate $30 billion this year in operating cash flow, assuming oil prices don't fall. Investors like to focus on this figure because, unlike profits, it ignores costs for which money never warhammer gold changes hands, like wear and tear on rigs.
Much of this operating cash has to be plowed back into the company, but some of that spending — $21 billion last year — is discretionary and could be cut. world of warcraft cd key On Wednesday BP said it will trim planned outlays this year by $2 billion.
cheap aion kina BP also has relatively little debt for a company of its size. That means it has plenty of wiggle room to borrow. In fact, it already has lined up $10 billion with banks if it needs it.
The caveat: If BP did aion kinah need to issue bonds or take out a loan, it would have to pay above-market interest rates because the risks posed by the oil spill have tainted its credit rating.


