
of Job but the morals of Del Boy

Alec Shelbrooke, the well-upholstered Tory member for Elmet and Rothwell, must rue a flabby spending-cut metaphor about Labour feeding everybody chocolate and burgers for 13 years so we're all 35 stone and need to lose 20 each. There's not many Shelbrookes to the tonne cheap designer sunglasses. The poor chap has been forced to protest that he's on a diet, shedding pounds of his own before tying the knot.
Constituents are demanding. A new MP told of how a couple secured a full holiday refund after claiming their break abroad was a nightmare. The pair were delighted. As was the member - two votes in the bag Bvlgari Sunglasses. The hubby recently returned to the surgery. They had been on a second holiday and, would she believe it, another disaster, so a second refund, please. Swallow it she didn't. The result: two potential votes lost. In a marginal to boot Police Sunglasses. MPs require not just the patience of Job but the morals of Del Boy.


