
The university that father up leads

The university that father up leads
father took me to go to the university that he once attended and together help university and say to is the atmosphere that made me personally feel that the university is for a while.
all the way, father points to say to is a hall here and points to say to is a library there, see I even could not understood directions.
walk into a mansion, bent to come to bend to go to one big house of inside, father points at to hang on all sides of a picture piece ask:Do you know what that is?I certainly shake.
father say:That is the house design diagram draft, the being finished of each many-storied building first essentials has a designer to draw a grass diagram.
my Dian rise feet to see and have color of, black and white of, good-looking of, difficult see of, be don't understand.
I ask:That your classroom where ah?
good, take you to go to.Father gets I arrive at the second floors, that is a classroom with very big, a to all close tightly.The small glass window went toward since the childhood in look about, sees table up, floor up put various house models everywhere.
well disorderly.I blurt out.
father say:Want a side study the side begin to practice.
Dou a , do I feel that the university is really very big, even has stadium, store and hospitals, also has already been like similar small bridge flowing water in the park.
my first essentials studies hard now, leading several years has to be like father similar top university.


