
to enhance agricultural disaster prevention and resilience

According to Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters of Hebei Province introduced the
issue highlighted in Hebei, drought, water shortage resulting in drought water stress. The
province is very uneven distribution of water storage and medium-sized, concentrated in
just Gangnan Huangbizhuang, West Ocean and a few large reservoirs, most of the inadequate
water supply or water available for irrigation. In addition,MBT sport shoes, the province
continued to decline in groundwater level, the province's nearly 100,000 wells pumping
water or no water shortage. To this end, Department of Water Resources in Hebei Province
with the winter capital construction of farmland water conservancy, increase investment,
strengthen the emergency water source projects.
At the same time, to ensure that drought and irrigation water infrastructure. North China,
and other places in northern Huanghuai and JAC to take moisture in soil moisture storage
measures against the winter and spring drought occurrence. Also do a good job around the
irrigation infrastructure construction, repair, improve, and the supporting irrigation
facilities, to enhance agricultural disaster prevention and resilience.


